Episode 8: How to Make Networking Less Awkward (so you actually do it!)

If you don’t talk about your business, you won’t have a business – that’s the tough truth. You probably know you need to get out there and meet people, but it makes you feel awkward – so you avoid it. 

And now you’re feeling the squeeze of not having enough clients in your pipeline - which is creating stress and anxiety because you’re financially strapped. 


Let’s fix it today, my friend! In this episode, you’ll learn 7 quick tips to help make networking less awkward so you can push past the resistance and actually do it!


I believe there are people out there who NEED what you offer – who can’t wait to meet you – all you have to do is show up.


Showing up, especially when you don’t feel like it is exactly when it counts – that’s the Arena.


Tune into this episode and you’ll gain the knowledge and gutsy-ness you need to get out there and share your message!

**For more sales tips, wisdom, and inspiration, follow Keeley -

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